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Sleep Rewiring

Rewiring Your Sleep: Effective Techniques for Sleep Retraining

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Rewiring Your Sleep: Effective Techniques for Sleep Retraining

​At Hunter Gatherer Mental Health, we recognise the critical role that sleep plays in our overall health. Many of us struggle with sleep disturbances that can affect our daily lives. To address this, we advocate for sleep retraining—a technique designed to help you recalibrate your sleep patterns and improve your sleep quality.

One of our lovely locum Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, Lucy, has shared her 6 steps for getting the best night's sleep:

Step 1: Wait for True Sleepiness

Don’t head to bed just because it’s your usual bedtime or you’re feeling bored. It’s essential to listen to your body and only go to bed when you genuinely feel sleepy, even if it means staying up later than planned.

Step 2: Reserve the Bedroom for Sleep

To create a strong association between your bedroom and sleep, keep activities like reading, watching TV, or using your phone out of the bedroom. This helps to reinforce that the bedroom is a place for rest, not entertainment.

Step 3: Get Up If You Can’t Sleep

If you find yourself unable to fall asleep within 25 minutes, get up and move to a different environment. Engage in a quiet, relaxing activity without electronics or snacks. Wait until you feel sleepy again before returning to bed. It might be tough initially, especially on cold nights, but it's crucial for retraining your sleep habits.

Step 4: Consistency is Key

Repeat the first three steps as necessary. It’s all about consistency; rewiring your sleep habits can take time and requires perseverance. It's totally worth it though,

Step 5: Stick to Your Wake-Up Time

Regardless of how much you’ve slept, wake up at your regular time every morning. Sleeping in can disrupt the progress you’ve made, so it’s important to maintain a consistent wake-up schedule.

Step 6: Avoid Naps

While tempting, napping can hinder the sleep retraining process. Staying awake throughout the day will help ensure you are sufficiently tired by bedtime, facilitating easier sleep.

Additional Tip: Ignore the Clock at Night

If you wake up in the middle of the night, resist the urge to check the time. Worrying about how much sleep you’re getting can keep you awake. Instead, focus on relaxing and drifting back to sleep.

By following these steps, you will start to see improvements in your sleep pattern. Remember, change doesn't happen overnight, but with dedication, a good night's sleep is within reach. For more guidance and support, feel free to reach out to our team at Hunter Mental Health. Let’s work together to achieve restful nights and energetic days!